All children are expected to wear school uniform. The uniform consists of the following items and can be bought from A&J Designs (Staffs) Ltd, Apex Business Park, Units 1, Walsall Road, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 9PU. Tel: 01543 360055 or www.myclothing.com (school number 6769).
Bus Routes: The stop in question is served by route 3 which runs between Cannock, Heath Hayes, Norton Canes and Brownhills. The nearest other service is route 60 from Burntwood Road which runs to Cannock, Burntwood and Lichfield.
Our full uniform policy can be found on our policies web page - click here
EYFS & KS1 (Nursery to Year 2)
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Royal-blue school logo sweatshirt, cardigan or jum
pe r (A&J Designs or Myclothing online) - Grey skirt, pinafore dress, grey trouser shorts or trousers
- Summer dress - blue and white check (optional)
KS2 (Year 3 to 6)
- White shirt worn with school tie (tie only available from A&J Designs)
- Royal blue, school logo cardigan or v-neck jum
pe r (A&J Designs or Myclothing online)
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress, grey trouser shorts or trousers
- Summer dress - blue and white check (optional)
All Pupils
- Royal-blue sweatshirts, jum
pe rs and cardigans without logo are also acceptable. - Socks - grey, black or white
- Tights (thick, woollen style) – grey, black or white
- Black shoes, enclosed with low heel - Velcro, lace up or bar (not trainers or boots).
- For safety reasons, children must not wear shoes that have/are:
- platform soles or high heels;
- open-toed shoes or sandals;
- trainers identified as 'Heelys'.
- Plain white tee shirt (with or without school logo). (Football /sports team tops not
pe rmitted.) - Royal blue or black shorts
- Black non-marking sole pumps for indoor
PE (slip on for younger children) - Navy, grey or black track suit (plain design - without sports logos) for outdoor games – to be worn on
PE days instead of school uniform. - Dark-coloured trainers (black, dark grey or navy) for outdoor games