Equality Duty
Equality, Diversity and Cohesion Policy
The overall objective of Holy Trinity C of E Primary School’s Equality, Diversity and Cohesion Policy is to provide a framework for the school to pursue its equality duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment; promote equality of opportunity; and promote good relations and positive attitudes between people of diverse backgrounds in all its activities. The principles of this policy apply to all members of the extended school community – pupils, staff, governors, parents and community members. Partners and contractors are also expected to abide by the policy.
We at Holy Trinity fully endorse and accept these principles
Principle 1: All learners are of equal value
All learners and potential learners are of equal value and benefit equally from school policies, practices and programmes, whatever their ability, background, gender or cultural identity.
Principle 2: Relevant differences are recognised
Treating people equally can mean treating them differently. Policies, practices and programmes do not discriminate, but may be differentiated to take account of differences of life experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barrier and disadvantage which people may face.
Principle 3: We foster positive attitudes, relationships and a shared sense of belonging
Policies and programmes promote
- positive attitudes and interactions
- mutual respect and good relations
- an absence of harassment or prejudice-related bullying between people of different ability, background, gender or cultural identity.
Principle 4: Staff recruitment, retention and development
Policies and procedures benefit all employees and potential employees in recruitment, professional development and promotion. Applications from wider ethnic and cultural backgrounds are encouraged, especially where there is evidence of inequality.
Principle 5: Current inequalities and barriers are addressed and reduced
In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts of policies and programmes, we take opportunities to maximise positive impacts by addressing, reducing and removing inequalities and barriers that already exist between people of different ability, background, gender or cultural identity.
Principle 6: Policy development involves consultation and involvement
People affected by a policy or programme are consulted and involved in the design of new policies, and in the review of existing ones. Such consultation is both direct and through representative organisations, and is based on principles of transparency and accountability.
Principle 7: Society as a whole benefits
Policies and programmes benefit society as a whole, locally, nationally and internationally, by fostering greater cohesion and greater participation in public life of people of different ability, background, gender or cultural identity.
To see the whole Equality, Diversity and Cohesion Policy, please visit our policies page - click here
Access Plan
Statement of intent
This plan should be read in conjunction with the School Development Plan and outlines the proposals of the governing board of Holy Trinity C of E Primary School to increase access to education for pupils with disabilities in the three areas required by the planning duties in the Equality Act 2010.
A person is regarded as having a disability under the Act where the person has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Action Plan
- Improving Education & related activities
- Improving the Physical environment
- Improving the Provision of information
To see the whole Access Policy, please visit our policies page - click here