01543 452327

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health


Mrs Johnson is a Mental Health First Aider.  This means she has:

  • An in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support

Mrs Johnson

Emotional Wellbeing Manager

YMCA - Health and Wellbeing Event

The Community Navigators joined Holy Trinity School to showcase local services and help parents/carers find out about local activities for young people and their families.  The parents joined in with the children while they took part in different activities.  These included drama, role play and playing the guitar with Thespian Arts.

A parent’s guide to Black Lives Matter

Yoopies, an online caregiver’s forum, have developed a toolkit for parents to aid discussions with their children around Black Lives Matter, racism and the death of George Floyd. With snappy overviews and links to wider online content such as podcasts the resource is designed to support and give confidence to parents/ carers in broaching the subjects with their children.  Click on the picture below for more information.

Good Mental Health

Click on the resources below:

Links to help

Please click on the links below for more information