Our School
Through the teaching of Jesus, and by his example, God makes it possible for us to
‘love’, ‘adventure’ and ‘grow’. Our Christian ethos and adventure curriculum at Holy Trinity
will ignite the children’s love for learning and exploring their faith. We will
inspire each and every one of our school family one to flourish and embrace the
diversity and challenges of life.
Matthew 19:26 (NIV) 26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.”
Holy Trinity Church School first opened in 1880. The present school building includes eight modern classrooms, offices, a hall, information centre kitchens and a music room. The adjoining Church Room forms the office and meeting room of Holy Trinity Church as well as providing wrap around care in the form of a before and after school club. The Church and school work closely together.
The school has a strong Christian ethos. This is evident in the welcoming and caring atmosphere in the school. Christian worship is a key event in the school day. The vicar and people from open the book visit the school to lead worship and the major Christian festivals are marked by services in school to which parents are invited.