The Governing Body and Headteacher of Holy Trinity C of E Primary School are committed to improving outcomes for all children. Attendance at school and being on time every day has a huge impact on a child’s learning and helps to ensure personal success.
Whilst the Governing Body and Headteacher will do everything they can to support families struggling with attendance and lateness it must also be understood that as part of the monitoring procedures parents and carers may receive a sternly worded letter informing them of their child’s late and/or absent rate. This letter is a statutory requirement.
The letter will invite you to attend a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss any problems you may be experiencing and share ideas in which we can work together to achieve an acceptable level of attendance.
Staff are here to help you and may suggest:
- Joining Breakfast Club (Available daily 7.30am until 8:40am)
- Referral to School Health where ongoing illness is a recurring issue
- To discuss possible external agencies and the help they can offer
Please speak to the Headteacher in the strictest confidence.
For more information see:
Attendance Policy
Relationship and Behavior Policy
(All policies can be viewed on our policy page - to view this page - click here)
Absence During Term-Time
I would like to clarify the school’s position regarding holidays or leave of absence during term time.
Authorising absence is a policy decision. We have to work within the policy adopted by the school. All school absence is a serious matter monitored by the LA, Education Welfare department, and Ofsted, and all school procedures are checked regularly.
Holidays are NOT permitted in term time. Requesting holidays because it is cheaper to go in term time is not a valid reason, neither are celebrations abroad considered a necessity.
Taking holidays in term time means children quickly fall behind with their work and may require extra support to catch up.
Parents taking holidays without discussing it first or informing the school in advance will result in fixed penalty fines being issued. This is £60 per child and parent rising to £120 per child and parent if not paid within 28 days. If we are not informed where a child is in school time the child is classed as missing and the relevant authorities notified.
Parents may request a leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. A form needs to be filled out and submitted to the Headteacher with as much notice as possible.
Permission for a request of a leave of absence will only be considered where the child:
- Has attendance of 97% or above at that time.
- Is not likely to fall behind with their work.
- Has not requested any other leave of absence that year.
- There is an acceptable exceptional reason for this request.
- Does not have any statutory tests at that time.
I hope this explains how the school will deal with requests for leave and any holidays taken in term time.
If you require further information regarding Walsall Council’s policy and the penalty notices, then please follow the link below.
Children are required to attend school regularly and punctually. However, please do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell. Please inform the school by telephone or email on the first day of absence. Should we not have heard from you at the close of the register then the school will seek to establish contact with you as a parent to confirm your child’s absence.
What should I do if my child is poorly? Please refer to this document for the advice school takes when we have poorly children in school or you ask for advice regarding symptoms and illness.
* No need to stay off but school should be informed.
It is expected that children will attend all sessions. Any interruption in the child’s attendance may affect their progress. New attendance regulations mean that the school requires parents to notify teaching staff if their child is likely to be absent. Notification of absence does not mean that permission is given for the child to be absent. Guidelines have been issued to indicate which absences can be authorised and these are usually only for unavoidable reasons such as illness. Further details are available in school.
The Governing Body do not condone children being taken out of school for holidays during term time, as it can have a detrimental effect on your child’s learning and the absence will be unauthorized. The Government have introduced a new zero tolerance system towards holidays during term time and parents who insist on taking their child out of school for this purpose will be subject to a fine of £60 per parent per child for each occasion.
Did you know?
A two week holiday in term time means the highest attendance possible is 94.7%
Timekeeping is also important in the education of your child. If your child is persistently late then they are missing out on important learning opportunities at the start of the lesson.
How we celebrate and encourage good attendance
Each week we celebrate every child that has attended all week. Each child will be given a bonus 5 Golden stars to spend in our ‘Holy Trinkets’ shop. There is a possible 195 additional stars to be earned via this method.
For more information see:
Attendance Policy
Relationship and Behavior Policy
(All policies can be viewed on our policy page - to view this page - click here)