Faith and Belief Forum
Who are they?
We work towards a connected and supportive society where people of different faiths, beliefs and cultures have strong, productive and lasting relations. We were founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum and became the Faith & Belief Forum in 2018.
What do they do?
To succeed in today’s complex and diverse world, young people need to be able to communicate sensitively and effectively with anyone, regardless of beliefs or background. F&BF’s award-winning workshops fulfil an essential role in preparing young people to succeed in the wider world. Our activities are designed to help young people build religious literacy, empathy, and skills for dialogue and communication. Our workshops also support the RE, PSHE and citizenship curricula, as well as SMSC, British Values and pastoral provision.
Programme Title
- Encountering Faiths and Beliefs
- Nikhat Panjwani (Muslim) and Ben Lees (Christian)
Programme Overview
F&BF‘s flagship workshop brings real-life experiences of faith, belief and identity into the classroom via a panel of trained speakers. With the assistance and skills of an expert facilitator, two or three speakers from different faith and belief backgrounds share their personal stories and answer the students’ questions in an engaging and informative way while modelling interfaith dialogue and co-operation.
Through this workshop students will:
- Have the opportunity to encounter people from different faiths and beliefs
- Hear personal stories and reflect on the relationship between faith/belief and daily life
- Deepen their learning about different faiths and beliefs by engaging directly with people from a variety of traditions
- Identify key similarities and differences, within faith/belief traditions as well as between them
- Have the opportunity to ask questions – including controversial questions – in a safe space
- Witness and be part of positive interaction between people of different faiths and beliefs
Programme Title
- Who am I?
- Gavin Young
Programme Overview
This workshop introduces the themes of diversity and interfaith, exploring what values and behaviours will help us build positive relations with people who are different. Through creating their own “identity backpack”, students will reflect on what makes them special and unique. They will go on a journey around the classroom, interviewing their classmates about what is important to them. Key skills are developed including: reflection, communication, questioning and active listening. An atmosphere of curiosity and respect for difference is cultivated throughout.
Through this workshop students will:
- Explore the concept of identity, and the many elements it is comprised of, visible and invisible
- Reflect on their own identity and build an understanding of what makes them special and unique
- Take part in dialogue with their classmates, practising skills of questioning and active listening
- Explore how to create positive relations with others who are different from themselves