RSHE/British Values & Personal Development
At Holy-Trinity we serve a diverse community and we take our responsibility to promote cohesion both in school and in the community seriously. We believe it is vital to demonstrate a strong set of values that question and support the children to understand what it means to grow up in a British Society. Within school, we learn, demonstrate and recognise Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, through our three values – Love, Adventure and Grow. These British Values are woven into the fabric of our RSHE Curriculum.
As part of our RSHE Curriculum, children use the ‘Picture News’ resource during school and class worship as well as in RSHE lessons. This gives us a better understanding of current affairs happening in the world today and allows us to link our British Values to this.
We also use the ‘No Outsiders’ resource to prepare children for life in modern Britain. This is an inclusive resource which promotes community cohesion and prepares young people for future life.
This scheme has been linked closely to meet the Relationships Education (RSE) curriculum to develop children’s understanding and development in a creative, reflective and personalised way.
In all year groups, children are taught Personal Development through our rich and engaging curriculum. To develop our children into global citizens who have an understanding of our ever changing world, we immerse them into a culturally rich curriculum and provide them with opportunities to experience the world around us. To support and promote healthy lifestyles, PE is taught twice a week to help keep our children physically well. In addition, to help build, maintain and develop positive relationships.